An unparalleled current affairs film library and streaming platform designed to enhance academic curriculum, global competence and student engagement.

SIMA Academy provides institutions with the content, diversity and performance that today’s educational settings demand. Our video library has been jury-curated and assembled not just with a focus on quality, but also with a discerning eye for educational value and relevance—providing every academic department on campus with the most essential current affairs video titles for their focus or field of study.


Universities, schools, districts, education networks, leadership academies, changemaker campuses, libraries and more.

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“SIMA has been an invaluable resource in all my classes. The videos are brief, engaging, and of very high-quality, and they explore a wide variety of topics including technology, poverty, environmental justice, equity, and inequality, just to name a few. SIMA videos enrich my course content…students thoroughly enjoy the videos also because they know that they are giving back to those who produce them! Easy to navigate and rich in content. I can’t imagine my classes without SIMA in them!”

— Timea Varga, Educator, Lynn University

What Sets SIMA Academy Apart

Immersive and engaging_

Breadth and Depth

Jury-curated from over 140 countries and featuring over 40 languages, SIMA Academy provides educators and organizations with unprecedented access to authentic global perspectives and a constantly vetted and refreshed selection of international productions each year.

Great for blended learning_

Current and Trending

Our acquisition efforts are ongoing, and we are consistently adding more vetted and award-winning powerful short documentary films by filmmakers from around the world to our library. Through this lens, educators are granted a unique opportunity to engage and connect today’s learners with the content that’s relevant to their lives, spotlighting the issues they care about most.

Fast, accessible and secure streaming_

Intuitive, High-interest and Curriculum-Synergistic

Working with an advisory board of education professionals, our content staff has created a subject-matter taxonomy of 25 distinct areas of study within more than 40 core thematic playlists designed to complement new and existing academic curriculum. In addition, members can sample between featured playlists that are regularly curated to reflect timely world themes and events.

Time-tested and loved_


Our platform features an advanced technical infrastructure custom designed by Vimeo, one of the world’s leading streaming platforms; a fully responsive and mobile-friendly interface and app; and a powerful search engine and browse functions, making it fast and easy to use 24/7 on any internet-enabled device. Users can also download unlimited films while on the Android or iOS App to access without internet.

“I’ve never seen a class so motivated and inspired… The conversations about the films and the subjects didn’t stop when they left my classroom. They continued throughout each student’s life and crossed over into other classes. Seeing this impact is absolutely inspiring as an educator. It helped strengthen their studentship skills, broaden their perspectives, enlightened them, and educated them in various subjects.”

– Michelle Bernstein, New Roads School in Los Angeles, US

Educator Benefits

As a future-oriented educational lens and interdisciplinary framework, Global Citizenship Education (GCED) creates opportunities and space for students to develop knowledge and awareness of issues significant to local and global contexts.

“It is not enough for education to produce individuals who can read, write and count. Education must fully assume it’s central role in helping people to forge more just, peaceful, tolerant and inclusive societies…. Global citizenship education provides the understanding, skills and values students need to cooperate in resolving the interconnected challenges of the 21st century, including climate change, conflict, poverty, hunger, and issues of equity and sustainability. These same educational outcomes prepare students to be successful in the 21st century workplace” United Nation’s Global Education First Initiative  

Teaching with authentic media engages students, aids student retention of knowledge, motivates interest in the subject matter, and illustrates the relevance of complex themes, such as global sustainability and human rights.

MIL allows learners to effectively access, analyze, critically evaluate, interpret, use, create and disseminate information. In our oversaturated digital media age it becomes imperative to combat dis-information. SIMA Academy’s vetted, authentic storytelling resources are crucial assets in building MIL skills that empower learners to critically engage with media, be “wise consumers of media, managers of information and responsible producers of ideas using the powerful multimedia tools of a global media culture.”  Center For Media Literacy.

Our award winning films reflect our world’s diversity in terms of raceethnicitygenderclassageabilityreligionplaceimmigration status or LGBT identity. They are inclusive of both stories and content creators from all walks of life providing a vital and felt level of authenticity. By representing “lived experiences” of groups and individuals through first person narratives or through the film teams themselves being local members of the communities they spotlight, the power of our content stems from the multicultural and diverse prism of perspectives, the level of intimacy and access of film crews, and their ethics of representation which put the dignity of the people and communities their stories capture at the forefront.

Global competence equips individuals to move from learning about the world to making a difference in it. With SIMA Academy students get inspired to:

Investigate the World
Globally competent students are aware, curious, and interested in learning about the world and how it works.

Recognize Perspectives
Globally competent students recognize that they have a particular perspective, and that others may or may not share it.

Communicate Ideas
Globally competent students can effectively communicate, verbally and non-verbally, with diverse audiences.

Take Action
Globally competent students have the skills and knowledge to not just learn about the world, but also to make a difference in the world.

SIMA Academy makes incorporating anti-bias principles into teachings inherent, seamless and age-appropriate with shared core goals of: 

Identity Promoting a healthy self-concept and exploration of identity 

Diversity Fostering intergroup and cross-cultural understanding 

Justice Raising awareness of prejudice and injustice 

Action Motivating students to act by highlighting individual and collective efforts against prejudice and injustice, and proactively addressing those, in classrooms and the community at large.

SIMA  Academy gives learners the building blocks to advance:

Global Literacy The capacity to read, interpret, respond, and contextualize messages from a global perspective

Technology Literacy The ability to use computers and other technology to improve learning, productivity, and performance

Visual Literacy The ability to understand and communicate through visual images

Information Literacy The ability to find, evaluate and synthesize information.

Digital Literacy The ability to communicate with an ever- expanding community to discuss issues, gather information, and seek help

SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.

SIMA Academy’s learning outcomes are synonymous with SEL competencies: EmpathyCritical ThinkingProblem-solvingCollaborationUnderstanding Social Cues, and Perspective Taking.

Learner Benefits

Students surveyed just one semester after using SIMA Academy have shown the following characteristics:


Join our community of over 1,000 institutions using SIMA Academy across the world

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