Novaira Khan Impact Story (Pakistan)

“In a world which is dominated by visual media and social media acts as a communication channel, film is an excellent tool for changing hearts and minds and creating awareness.”

Novaira Khan is a student at Cordoba School for A-Level in Karachi, Pakistan. For the SIMA SDG Challenge, Novaira chose to screen the film  What Would It Look Like? This 25-minute Global Oneness Project film retrospective asks us to reflect on the state of the world and ourselves, and to listen more closely to what is being asked of us at this time of unprecedented global transformation. Through the film, she encouraged the audience to connect with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Number 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.


Why did you choose the SIMA Academy film What Would It Look Like?

Our aim was to create awareness about the consequences and impact of climate change which this film explained quite well with the use of examples and interviews. 


How did the screening meet your objectives for the overall event?

The screening was aimed at creating awareness about SDGs, World Merit and Team Rakhwalay’s projects. From the audience’s active participation and keen interest in our upcoming projects, it could be said that the event met our objectives. 


Can you tell us if and how this event changed the audience’s awareness of the subject matter?

The audience were somewhat unaware of the concept of sustainable development and the event increased their knowledge of this key concept. 


What were the main topics of discussion at the event? 

Some of the key concepts which were discussed before and after the screening were sustainable development, renewable energy, fossil fuels, Anthropocene, climate change, global warming and diversity. For the audience, the concept of sustainable development was a little hard to grasp but they showed a keen interest in diversity and cooperation. 


Please share a memorable moment during your event.

One of our members did a small activity with the audience highlighting the importance of sustainable development and the students really enjoyed it.