Nantume Masturah Impact Story (Uganda)

“In my village, period poverty has been identified as a significant cause of girls missing school, leading to early marriage, teen pregnancy, and school dropouts. Through this project, we aim to mitigate the effects of period poverty by providing girls with access to menstrual hygiene products and educating them on menstrual health management.”

Nantume is a High School student at School of Humanity High School in Kampala, Uganda. Inspired by the SIMA Academy films WHAT ABOUT OUR FUTURE and BRIGHTER, Nantume created a fundraising and awareness campaign around Period Poverty.

What is the topic, theme, SDG or social issue your project addresses?

Period Poverty

What SIMA Academy film(s) inspired your project? (please list at least 1 film, and no more than 3 films)

What About Our Future and Brighter

What did you learn from the film(s)? Did your perspective about the issue change or did you discover something new?

The documentary Brighter has been a source of great inspiration for me.

 It highlights the story of a young girl who is making a positive impact on the lives of many girls by providing them access to education. 

This documentary has further reinforced my own aspirations, and I am thrilled to see that my goals are somewhat aligned with the message of the documentary because I have grown up in an area where girls are suffering with education. 

The documentary sheds light on the fact that many girls are still deprived of the opportunity to receive an education, and it has strengthened my resolve to support those who are going through period poverty, teen pregnancy and early marriages by not only providing support but also teaching them new skills that make the girls to be of purpose to the world and making them feel proud not to think they are failure like they think they are.

I am deeply motivated by the documentary, and I am committed to doing my part to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

Upon watching What About Our Future, I came to the realization that education is essential to solve global issues, irrespective of gender or economic status. It is imperative that we focus on imparting values such as empathy and humanity, and not just solely on academic achievements like grades. The documentary has significantly influenced my perspective on education, and I now believe that it should be more inclusive and accessible to all to effectively address challenges such as climate change and other issues, we need to be open minded. All young people need education, we all need it. 

I wish all people can access these wonderful films, there is a lot to solve for a better world.

What type of project did you create? Please check all that describes your project

Fundraiser, Petition

What planning resources did you utilize to create your project?

We are to use the gofundme for fundraising and the schools have helped on sharing the petition called “Ban the cycle around period poverty” and shared ideas that can help this project be of a much more support for girls.