Finley Johnston Impact Story (Germany)

“To change peoples’ perspective on water and water waste, we have to change the opinion they have on the environment, as most of them think that the environment is a resource that depends on them, when it is the other way around, as we depend heavily on the environment. We have to protect it for the sake of our survival.”

Finley is a Middle School student at Frankfurt International School in Germany. Inspired by the SIMA Academy film WATER IS LIFE, Finley created a fundraiser to provide clean water and sanitation for the local community of Kiswa Village in Uganda, titled “The FN&N Project”. Through The FN&N Project, the fundraiser supported bringing two teenagers who were locally leading the project with Finley, Nantume Masturah and Matovu Nkoba Ismael, from Uganda to Germany for the Changemaker Conference. Together through the conference, they designed an implementation plan and raised additional funds to help build a well in Uganda to support over 800 local households who are using unsafe water.

What is the topic, theme, SDG or social issue your project addresses?

We want to provide clean water and sanitation for people in Kiswa, Uganda through our partnership with Nantume and Nkoba


What SIMA Academy film(s) inspired your project? (please list at least 1 film, and no more than 3 films)

Water Is Life


What did you learn from the film(s)? Did your perspective about the issue change or did you discover something new?

The destruction of swamps and water sources is leading to no water and is compromising the lives of locals. For example in Louisiana a river got drained and now is a pipeline. It is leading to people not being able to make money just to live their lives and feed their families. 

Industrial companies are having an impact on the quality of the water. People in some parts of the US do not have access to clean water. As a result, many communities do not have access to clean water. Oil spills are the main cause for this. Many locals are fighting for their lands, whilst others prefer economic wealth over the planet’s well-being. We also learnt that people want to sacrifice the environment for economic wealth. 

Many people would rather kill animals than protect them. Our view on the issue changed because we really understood that humans are griddy, and that they are ready to sacrifice their natural environment for more money.


What type of project did you create?

Fundraiser, Research Projects, Community or Coalition Building


What planning resources did you utilize to create your project?

Fundraising, raising awareness, and providing support to the local community of Kiswa Village.