Rio Eu Amo Eu Cuido

Filmmaker Q&A with Director Eduardo Hunter Moura

What motivated you to make your impact video?

The challenge of addressing the issues of the social movement in a simple and universal manner. I wanted to bring a fresh perspective on the subject in order to engage the audiences and generate a sense of movement. Also to create a sense of identity and empowerment for the local communities pictured in the film.


Please provide a brief description of the work or organization featured in your video:

The social movement RIO EU AMO EU CUIDO encourages small gestures and attitudes that are within everyone’s reach to improve the city of Rio. With an irreverent communication, the main objective of Rio Eu Amo Eu Cuido is to mobilize volunteers and engage every ‘carioca’ to participate in campaigns and projects that focuses on preserving public spaces, traffic education and promoting activities aimed at cleaning the streets of Rio.


What have you learned about the value and impact of the project?

That it works in different ways, and impacts a range of generations each in a particular way.


What do you want audiences to take away from this video?

A sense that change can come from simple actions.


Please list key points that should be covered in a post-screening discussion:

Empowerment, Identity, simple actions can create change, and how to engage an audience (Does the film work? And why?)


Please provide information on any recent developments regarding the issue or subjects of the video. How have things changed or not changed?

We got to see real changes in the way the people who live in that community
see themselves and interact and care about the place they live. It’s been a year
since the inauguration and all the paintings are still there and well preserved.


What opportunities are available for those interested in getting further involved?

Anyone who is in Rio de Janeiro during the projects can participate. Rio Eu
Amo Eu Cuido is always posting in the social networks everything that happens.


Please provide any additional resources (websites, links to additional videos, forms, articles, etc.) relevant to the context of the issue discussed in your video:


Is there a particular video, film, campaign or filmmaker that had a major influence on your career?

Dziga Vertov, Eduardo Coutinho, Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, Alan Parker, Patrício Guzmán


Please tell us what camera(s) you shot with primarily – and any other special equipment that you used and why you used it.

We used mainly a DSLR Camera (Canon 5D or 60D), they are smaller and more intimate, better for documentaries when you don’t want to be intimidated with a large film camera.  We also had a Sony FS700 for the 120fps shots in order to create an aesthetic sense of time and the city, and a drone to establish the importance of the main location.


Please tell us about any special styles or techniques that you used during the production of your impact video to help tell your story.

I like to use animation to illustrate certain ideas, in order to challenge the audience to think about these ideas in a new way.


How did your story evolve from day one, to the very last day in post? Is your story what you thought it would be?

The idea was that the activities of the social movement would create change – not only in the environment, but in the people and how they relate to it. We wanted to document this process, the before and after, and in that sense it didn’t change much from what was planned for the structure of the film. But “how” it changed was a nice surprise in the last shoot of the film. Only then were we sure we had the story we wanted to tell.


Please describe the most rewarding experience you had while making this impact video. 

Screening the film at the Cerro Cora community, the reaction of the people watching the film, and so themselves. It was festive and fun, but what interested me was that they were probably seeing themselves in a big screen for the first time, as protagonists for the first time, their voices were being heard now, and they knew that – and that is very powerful.


What advice can you give to other impact filmmakers?

Find fresh ways to address the sometimes same issues. The problems aren’t new, but the way you tell the story can be.


What’s your favorite part about the filmmaking process and why?

Engaging with the characters on set, because it’s organic, unpredictable, there is a slight and mutual tension of trust and vulnerability between the filmmakers and the characters.


What’s the one item you always take with you when working out in the field and why? 

A small notepad, I don’t trust my memory any more. I make notes of what I found interesting on the set. You can dismiss them later, or they might be quite useful when editing.



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