“The project highlighted different rural areas around the US and brought together a rich tapestry of elements through images and music.”
— Daniel James Roeder
While attending Radically Rural, a rural changemakers conference in New Hampshire, a team of educators produced a song and music video highlighting the themes of equity, rural innovation, and sustainable practices, aligning with SDG 17. Drawing inspiration from the SIMA Academy film, “Farmers Footprint,” this project aimed to reframe the challenges of rural life and represent a wide range of rural cultures, industries, and experiences from across the US. The music video emphasizes the vital role of partnerships in maintaining rural communities and tackles the issue of isolation by promoting a sense of connection and belonging.
Briefly describe your Project
This project was done in partnership with Radically Rural, a rural changemakers conference in Keene, NH. I was on a panel that wrote and produced the song during the conference and made the music video afterward. It features all educators, including Paul Travers on guitar and vocals, Chris Armstrong on bass vocals, and myself on vocals and MIDI instruments/audio production. Paul teaches secondary history and ELA, Chris teaches elementary music, and I teach elementary special education and help run a music nonprofit for K-12 students, www.davidzfoundation.org. Other songwriters include Jessica Gelter, Becky Karush, Dalton Dzbierski, and members of the conference session.
What is the topic, theme, SDG or social issue your project addresses?
Equity, highlighting rural innovation and sustainable practices, SDG17 — rural communities depend on partnerships and collaboration
What SIMA Academy film(s) inspired your project? (please list at least 1 film title and no more than 3 films)
Farmers Footprint
What did you learn from the film(s)? Did your perspective about the issue change or did you discover something new?
The film was especially touching to me, as I am from Minnesota and have seen the rural challenges firsthand. I have lived in a rural area in CA for the last 13 years, and the remote way of life can be grueling—I wanted to reframe the challenges in a positive and equitable light.
What type of project did you create? Please check all that describes your project
Music video
What planning resources did you utilize to create your project? Please describe and/or share a link.
I storyboarded to ensure the representation of different cultures, industries, and experiences in a rural setting.
Please tell us about the impact of your project. You can use both quantitative and qualitative outcomes.
The project highlighted different rural areas around the US and brought together a rich tapestry of elements through images and music.
Please tell us what you learned in the process of creating your project?
I learned that video editing is challenging! Color correction is the biggest hurdle; I am fairly happy with the result, but there is still so much to learn.
Tell us about 1 thing you will do differently in the future after learning about this social issue and creating your own project about it.
I think isolation is a huge social issue in rural areas, and it really taught me the difference between loneliness and being alone—being alone can still have a powerful presence; loneliness is a social-emotional response. For the next project I do, I would like to focus on addressing loneliness.